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Alternative methods of losing weight with naphthalan petroleum. - ООО Нафталан Фарм Групп, Баку
ООО Нафталан Фарм Групп

ООО Нафталан Фарм Групп занимается производством нафталанового мыло,нафталанового крема и установок специального оборудования для прохождения нафталанотерапии с фракциями нафталанской нефти.

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Alternative methods of losing weight with naphthalan petroleum.

Alternative methods of losing weight with naphthalan petroleum....

Alternative methods of losing weight with naphthalan petroleum. Neftetherapy and paraffin therapy are effective methods of weight loss and weight normalization. How to lose weight with wraps oil and paraffin.

Naphthalan petroleum is a dense liquid of black-brown or brown color, specially purified from harmful impurities, and has recently become actively used for weight loss procedures. In the process of weight loss there is an increase in the blood of hemoglobin and erythrocytes. This is one type of heat treatment of excess weight, in which a specially treated natural material of petroleum origin is used as a heat agent. Treatment with oil and oil products has long been practiced by folk healers. Slimming oil is a mass of dark brown or black, containing about 85 percent carbon, about 14 percent hydrogen, paraffin, mineral oils, resins and other substances. When exposed to the body, such oil forms the thinnest film on the surface of various objects, including the skin. This component is well used as a base for the preparation of ointments and various perfume creams. Oil for weight loss has a minimum thermal conductivity, slow heat transfer. Due to the high heat capacity it is more effective than other means. These properties determine the use of oil as a coolant in the treatment of excess weight.

The heat-retaining capacity of oil is almost 2 times higher than that of paraffin. In medical practice, dehydrated oil is used - a standard obtained by the method of aqueous digestion or extraction with organic solvents. In addition to thermal, oil has a mechanical and chemical effect. The biologically active substances present in it have a desensitizing, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect. When oil is applied to the skin, a layer is quickly formed, the temperature of which is close to the skin temperature, and the transfer of heat to the body from the overlying layers is very slow. This makes it possible to use oil for the therapeutic purposes of effective weight loss with a fairly high temperature (60 - 70 ° C) without fear of getting burned.

The mechanical factor of the action of oil is due to its ability to solidify to decrease in volume by 10-12%, which is accompanied by a slight squeezing of the underlying tissues (compression action), and this, in turn, contributes to a deeper penetration of heat into the body. The most pronounced compression action of oil in circular applications, when the body area is covered on all sides, for example, on the limbs. This reduces the edema of fatty tissues, because due to thermal effects improves the outflow of tissue fluid and lymph. The chemical effect of oil is based on the presence in it of biologically active substances that exert a comprehensive, including hormone-like, action on the body. Apply oil to treat dermatoses. Widespread introduction of applications and wraps with oil contributes to a good effect with cheap treatment and ease of use. Easy transportation of raw materials allows the use of oil therapy for adults and children in any city and village.

The technique of the procedure for losing weight is as follows: the oil is heated to the required temperature in electric paraffin heaters or in a water bath. Sterilization of the used oil is carried out by heating in a water bath to 100 ° C for 10-15 minutes. There are several ways to use oil for weight loss.

• Layering. Heats oil to a temperature of 65 - 70 ° C, the oil is applied to the skin with a brush.

• Baths. Finiteness is oiled, and then immersed in a vessel with water at a temperature of 35-37 ° C. • Napkin-application. The gauze folded in layers of 8-10 layers is immersed in heated oil at a temperature of 30-35 ° C, squeezed and applied to the site of exposure, covered with an oilcloth and then with a blanket.

Cuvette-application or oil-wrapping for weight loss. The heated oil with a layer of 1.5-2 cm thick is poured into the cuvettes and then taken out of the cuvette onto the food film and, together with it, is applied to the areas to be exposed.

Usually the procedure of oil therapy for weight loss is carried out daily or every other day, its duration is from 15 to 40 minutes, the course of treatment is 10 to 12 procedures. After the procedure, you should rest for 30-40 minutes. To repeat a course of treatment from excess weight it is possible with intervals not more 3-4 months.

The procedure of weight loss with the help of oil is contraindicated in exacerbations of dermatoses, in the presence of malignant neoplasms, blood diseases and with uncompensated disorders of the cardiovascular system.

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Адрес: Московская область, Баку, Az-1008, Baku city, д.14 корп.2, тел. +9(994)50-310-49-31

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