ООО Нафталан Фарм Групп
ООО Нафталан Фарм Групп занимается производством нафталанового мыло,нафталанового крема и установок специального оборудования для прохождения нафталанотерапии с фракциями нафталанской нефти. |
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"AZEICG" ООО Телефон: +9(994)50-310-49-31 Контактное лицо: Азизали Гасанов Мастали оглы Схема проезда
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Naftalan Farm Group LLP Hasanov Azizali
The head of Naftalan Farm Group LLP Hasanov Azizali took part and delivered a report in November 30 - December 1, 2017 at the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation.... The head of Naftalan Farm Group LLP Hasanov Azizali took part and delivered a report in November 30 - December 1, 2017 at the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation. PROSPECTS OF INTRODUCING INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN MEDICINE AND PHARMACY. The conference will be held in the following areas: 1.Pharmaceutical science. 2.Medical sciences. 3.Economics, business, management, innovations in pharmacy. 4. Legal and state regulation in health care. 5. Pharmaceutical production: state, prospects, innovations. 6. Innovative drugs in pharmacy. MOSCOW-NEW-NAFTALAN-HEALTH CARE As Azizali Hasanov, the general director of the scientific-production chemical-pharmaceutical company Naftalan Farm Group, told the newspaper of the Azerbaijani Congress, currently their company together with Russian research institutes is the Institute of Restorative Medicine and Balneology of Russia, Research Institute of Rheumatology "," Scientific Research Institute of Neurology "- develops unique therapeutic drugs that are unique in the world and treatment methods can be ska amb 21st century component in native naphthalan white naphthalan like deresined naphthalene (white) naftalan hydrocarbons (white) and naphthalan-pestillet oil (white). According to A.Hasanov, for today their enterprise already produces and sells naphthalan oil of refined, demineralized, alcohol and oil. Patents contain medical products - suppositories Prostat-Naft, Ginok-Naft, Gemor-Naft, medicinal Naftalan plasters Revmo-Naft, Neuro-Naft, Traumo-naft, ointments and gels Psori- Nafta, Dermo-Naft, Gemor-Naft, as well as a medical cosmetic line called the Demonaphthen Clinic of 56 items. All patented preparations and methods of treatment with white varieties of naftalan are intended for treatment of various diseases - infertility, rheumatism, psoriasis, neurotic and other diseases. All of these unique preparations are based on the desalted naftalan - that is, white naphthalan, isolated from black naphthalan oil. |
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